
Жакет «The greatest set I ever sewed» от Binh Ngo

Сшито по выкройке Burda

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Жакет в стиле New Look №116
Жакет в стиле New Look №116

I love this vest since it was publish on website at very first time, I remember it was at begining of Sep ^^

Recently, I decided to sew by tweed fabric.

But you know, all the pieces are not straight, and I had to managed many times to match the lines on fabric together, really crazy, also really waste more fabric as usual LOL.

All remaining fabric only allow me to sew a mini skirt, based on this pattern

But the total look really pleased, very unique ^^

Комментарии 10
  • Galchonka
    9 февр. 2021 г., 18:25:38
    Every your work is masterpiece snd every time i enjoy watching the results. It’s great and amazing. Just one question about collar. Isn’t it too big? On the model we see collar laying on the shoulders but as i see you prefer to rise it a little bit. Am i right or ?
  • Binh Ngo
    23 февр. 2021 г., 11:25:43
    Galchonka, Yeah, I just follow the pattern, but the collar actually little big for me, so I did round it up LOL
  • arle9
    5 янв. 2021 г., 15:10:17
    Bravo!!! It looks very nice! I allways like to see your works here on FF
  • Binh Ngo
    25 янв. 2021 г., 04:31:22
    arle9, Thank you ^^
  • Anastasiia
    22 дек. 2020 г., 09:48:07
    This is really amazing and unique. It suits you a great deal. I am just inspired by this set!
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