
Платье «Romantic love» от Binh Ngo

Сшито по выкройке Burda

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Платье с ярусной юбкой №127 — выкройка из Burda 9/2015
Платье с ярусной юбкой №127 — выкройка из Burda 9/2015

I love the design of this pattern, but actually cannot wear it in same way with the model :)

So, I used same type of plaid fabric for the whole dress, mixing normal and pleated type to create a new fashion spirit for this pattern. And I'm very happy with the result :)

Thank you!  

Комментарии 8
  • Nastikroom
    14 сент. 2021 г., 12:37:23
    Really it was excellent idea to change fabric and make this pattern ready to wear ))) Please add more foto of your dress, i`m interested in details
  • Binh Ngo
    14 сент. 2021 г., 12:45:41
    Nastikroom, Hi dear, I follow the pattern 100% for the top, just used some button instead, and the skirt, I just added the pleated fabric, and the result came out amazingly ^^
  • lutikova
    7 сент. 2021 г., 00:30:18
    You are the first to sew this unusual model since 2015 )) And the result is excellent.
  • Binh Ngo
    7 сент. 2021 г., 04:19:26
    lutikova, yeah I myself also very surprise with the result :)
  • Ruslana12
    6 сент. 2021 г., 14:46:56
    This is amazing idea. And your interpretation is wonderful.
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